
<aside> 💡 第4週目。折り返し地点。Empowering People to adopt Healthy Eating Practices


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※Rainbow veggiesの効能と、中医学の5色を一度照らし合わせて相関する


Research Studies on Healthy Eating Plate

  1. Ratio of polyunsaturated fat to saturated fat (P/S ratio)
  2. Controlled feeding studies
  3. Cohort study or epidemiologic prospective study

The Six Components of the Healthy Eating Plate and Their Optimal Choices

  1. Protein:

  2. Whole grains:

  3. Refined grain vs. whole grain

  4. Fruits and vegetables:

  5. Fats:

    Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 14.45.03.png

    Screenshot 2023-04-16 at 16.11.04.png

  6. Water:

  7. Disadvantages of unhealthy beverages

  8. Optimal choices of beverages are: